Sermons on Hope (Page 3)

Hope Explained

ROMANS 8:18-25 This life’s trials are incapable of being compared to our hope of glory (v.18). What weight of suffering could compare to the weight of the glory that is coming? Why would God want us to think about this comparison? (2 Cor. 4:17) This creation has become the very definition of hope for us…

The Realization of Our Hope

LUKE 23:40-43 When life is as bad as it can get, with Jesus there is hope (Luke 23:40-43). What was the only hope for the thief on the cross? What is the greatest and the only hope for us? (I Peter 1:8-9) We have already been seated with Christ (Ephesians 2:6). How can a realization…

Thirteen Years of Hope

GENESIS 40 God personally gave Joseph reasons to have hope (37:5-11). Whatever would happen to him for the next 13 years, what assurance did he have? Whatever happens to you in your life, what assurances do you have? When rejected by his brothers and sold as a slave, he needed hope (37:23-28). In that cistern,…

From the Substance of Hope

COLOSSIANS 1:3-8 We give thanks for the faith that grows from hope (1:3-5a). What is the event that defines hope and produces faith? (Titus 2:13) What can we do so that our hope will better produce true faith? We give thanks for the love that grows from hope (1:3-5a). How can our ‘desired expectation’ lead…