MATTHEW 21:1-11 Jesus was fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah (Matthew 21:1-5). How can we learn to trust Jesus enough to do what is uncomfortable? Mark 11:4-6 How amazing was the scene coming down the side of the Mt. of Olives? How does Jesus’ fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9 affect you? The people were also looking for…
MATTHEW 4:23-25 As Jesus traveled through Galilee, huge crowds brought their sick (v.23-25). How broad was the attraction of Jesus for those in need? How broad is the attraction of the body of Christ today for those in need? Jesus blessed these crowds by healing all of their sick (v.23-25). Why didn’t Jesus tell these…
MATTHEW 21:1-11 The disciples were devoted enough to go and get the colt (v.1-5). How would it feel to be going to take someone else’s colt? What kinds of uncomfortable things does God call you to do? The owners of the colt were devoted enough to give it (v.3). Why would the owners of the…
JOHN 6:66-69 Sometimes, the hard teachings of Jesus thinned the crowd (John 6:66-69). What does it say about us when we allow hard sayings to turn us away? How can we develop a heart that realizes that He alone has the words of life? The required level of commitment thinned the crowd (Mark 10:17-22). What…