MATTHEW 21:1-11 Jesus was fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah (Matthew 21:1-5). How can we learn to trust Jesus enough to do what is uncomfortable? Mark 11:4-6 How amazing was the scene coming down the side of the Mt. of Olives? How does Jesus’ fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9 affect you? The people were also looking for…
DANIEL 9:1-23 Spending time in God’s word motivated Daniel to pray (v.1-3). Why is it so important for us to let God’s word motivate us to pray? What are you going to do today and this week to let that happen for you? Daniel prayed with praise and confession (v.4-11a). Why is it so important…
ISAIAH 29:13-24 When people only honor God outwardly, they need to be awed (v.13-14). What is incomplete about honoring God only with our lips? When have you allowed God to ‘astound you with wonder upon wonder?’ Those who think they can sin secretly are rejecting the creator (v.15-16). What do our attempts to hide our…
JOSHUA 10:1-15 Broad opposition from multiple sources call for impossible requests (v.1-5). Why do our problems tend to come in waves instead of as individual challenges? What moves a person of faith to ask God for impossible help in tough times? Loyalty and responsibility can call for impossible requests (v.6-8). What loyalties led Israel to…
EXODUS 25-27 God told His people to build a place where He could dwell among them (25:8-9). Why is the release from slavery not enough for Israel or for us? How should we be affected by knowing that God wants to dwell with His people? God began His instructions with the very place where He…
JOB 1-2 Before we read Job, we must be reminded of God’s nature (Exodus 34:6-7). Why was it important for God to let Moses, the leader of Israel, know His nature? Is the story of Job able to transform the nature of God (I John 4:7-9)? Since God is love, why would He initiate this…
ISAIAH 42:1-4; 44:1-5 The servant of the LORD was carefully described as the Christ in Isaiah 42:1-4. How do we know that the Messiah is singular? From this passage, what can we know of the character and purpose of Christ? The servant of the LORD was described as the people of Israel in Isaiah 44:1-5.…
Elder Bob Kline discusses the stories of Naaman from Second Kings (5:1-19) and Hezekiah from Second Chronicles (30:1-22), in an effort to determine the nature with which God desires his people to worship, during a study entitled, “Grace in Worship.”
Psalm 95:1-11 Complaining will harden your heart if you let it (v.7b-9). What did the Israelites do at Meribah and Massah (Exodus 17:1-7)? What happens to the heart of a complainer? How long was God bothered by their complaining? (Hebrews 3:7-11) Complainers allow their hearts to go astray (v.10). If you really know the ways…