COLOSSIANS 1:24-29 The apostle Paul discovers and shares his role in Christ (Colossians 1:24-26). How does our culture strive for self-discovery? How does Paul realize and then live in the only real way that discovers self? The mystery revealed to all believers now supplies the hope of glory (v.27). How does living for Jesus discover…
ISAIAH 29:13-24 When people only honor God outwardly, they need to be awed (v.13-14). What is incomplete about honoring God only with our lips? When have you allowed God to ‘astound you with wonder upon wonder?’ Those who think they can sin secretly are rejecting the creator (v.15-16). What do our attempts to hide our…
JOHN 6:66-69 Sometimes, the hard teachings of Jesus thinned the crowd (John 6:66-69). What does it say about us when we allow hard sayings to turn us away? How can we develop a heart that realizes that He alone has the words of life? The required level of commitment thinned the crowd (Mark 10:17-22). What…