"avoid" Tagged Sermons

Separated unto the Lord

NUMBERS 6 The vow of a Nazarite is “a vow of separation unto the LORD” (v.1-4). In what sense did I make a vow of separation unto my wife? How does our separation unto our wife/husband reveal the Nazarite purpose? The vow of a Nazarite separated from anything that would defile (v.3-8). How careful did…

Arguing Reveals and Increases Pride

JOB 27:2-6 Job, the most righteous man on earth, maintained his integrity (2:3). Why is it a good thing for us to maintain our integrity? What is the danger of focusing too much on maintaining our integrity? (27:5-6) Job’s three friends argued that he was being punished for his sin (11:14-15). Why would they stoop…