There are plenty of crises in the world; plenty of reasons to feel lost, aimless, and empty. But the key to a healthy relationship with God is a continual denial of self. When you’re able to get yourself out of the way of your fulfillment, only then can God fill you completely and perfectly.
Can you think of something that everyone needs? Something that would bless everyone who receives it? Forgiveness is a gift of mercy; a gift without which we cannot survive (eternally); a gift we all desperately need. Because, what do you have to do to be forgiven? Sin. And we all do that very well. As…
Are you well? Really? Do you want to get well? Really? Countless miracles are recorded of Jesus healing the sick, the lame, the deformed, but what he was really healing was their soul; “go and sin no more.” So, are you well spiritually? Do you want to get well? Rise up and walk.
Dean ask the question, “When/what can we give?” Like Jesus with the woman at the well, Dean challenges us to give according the needs of others, as well as giving (and seeking/receiving) from the source of eternal life, the everlasting fountain: our Lord and God.
Enjoy this Father’s Day lesson on Success from Dean Manning.
Listen to Dean as he discusses what faith is, where it comes from, and how to develop it.
GENESIS 40 God personally gave Joseph reasons to have hope (37:5-11). Whatever would happen to him for the next 13 years, what assurance did he have? Whatever happens to you in your life, what assurances do you have? When rejected by his brothers and sold as a slave, he needed hope (37:23-28). In that cistern,…
II CORINTHIANS 9:12-15 Our gifts of service must be overflowing in thanksgiving (v.12). How has your service supplied the needs of God’s people? How have others been blessed by your overflowing gift? People are praising God because of your service (v.13). How have you been proved faithful by your service? How do you feel about…
MATTHEW 16:13-28 Jesus asked two serious questions and Peter answered the hard one. (v.13-16). What do both of these questions tell us about the disciples? How well can you answer these two questions? What will help us to have a faith like Peter? Peter was specifically blessed for his confession (v.17-20). Why was Peter blessed…
Enjoy this guest lesson from visiting minister John Kerr on approaching and serving God “In His Time.”