LUKE 10:25-37
- In round one, the lawyer attempts to test Jesus (v.25-28).
- How does Jesus reshape the discussion by His counter-question?
- What is missing from the lawyer’s answer to Jesus’ question?
- How does Jesus answer the lawyer’s impossible question?
- In round two, the lawyer seeks to justify himself (v.29-37).
- What is missing from the lawyer’s question in v. 29?
- How do the priest and Levite illustrate the heart of the lawyer?
- Why is ‘come, do and do’ better than ‘come, do and go?’
- We need to resist the temptation to test Jesus (v.25-28).
- What is wrong with our hearts when we question the ability or authority of Jesus?
- How does denying self, taking up our cross and following Him protect our hearts?
- How does our life improve when we let Jesus question us?
- We need to live out the answer to Jesus’ final question (v.36-37).
- How does Jesus reshape the lawyer’s question for all of us?
- What is involved in living out the answer to this question?
- What does it cost us to live out the answer to this question?
Call to Action: To develop the habit of going out of our way to bless others.