I SAMUEL 2:1-11 The one praising God after years of being childless is again barren (1:24-28). What does her amazing gift say about Hannah’s heart? To what extent are we willing to give our children to God? Hannah sings a song to glorify God above all else (2:1-5a). What does Hannah’s praise at that time…
JOHN 15:1-8 God cleans His vine so that it will bear more fruit (v.1-3). What is the significance of using the same word for ‘cleaning’ and for ‘pruning?’ When He cleans the branches, what is the vine-keeper’s purpose? The purpose and survival of every branch has to do with abiding in Jesus (v.4). How does…
I THESSALONIANS 5:12-22 Appreciation of our elders naturally flows from a thankful heart (v.12-13). How can we better show appreciation to our elders this week? Why would God want us to give honor to humble servants? A thankful heart affects behavior in times of trials and needs (v.14-15). How does the behavior of these verses…