Sermons on Joy

trees in park

Is It Well With Your Soul?

Is it well with your soul? Dean explores the substantiation of wellness and uses seven potential points of reference through his discussion: love, wishes/requests, spiritual appreciation, truth, joy, actions, and mentor(s). Take time to assess you (spiritual) health as you enjoy Dean’s lesson this week.

I Am Confident of This

PHILIPPIANS 1:3-6 I am always thankful for you (v.3). How did it make the Philippians feel when this letter was read to them? How many reasons do we have to be thankful for our brothers and sisters in Christ? How can we do a better job of letting them know how they have blessed us?…

The Hope of the World

MATTHEW 27:50-28:11 Our Savior willingly laid down His life to set us free (27:50-54). How does this passage confirm the promise of John 10:17-18? How did God clearly announce the sufficient sacrifice of Jesus? Loving women who needed hope, witnessed His death and burial (27:55-61). How painful would this have been for those who loved…