The Hope of the World

MATTHEW 27:50-28:11

  1. Our Savior willingly laid down His life to set us free (27:50-54).
    • How does this passage confirm the promise of John 10:17-18?
    • How did God clearly announce the sufficient sacrifice of Jesus?
  2. Loving women who needed hope, witnessed His death and burial (27:55-61).
    • How painful would this have been for those who loved Jesus so deeply?
    • How does this account add weight to their testimony of the resurrection?
  3. Frightened guards provide witness to the resurrection (27:62-66; 28:2-4, 11-15).
    • What would it take to make experienced soldiers act like dead men?
    • What obvious holes can you see in the published story by the guards?
    • How do these events unwillingly add weight to the truthfulness of the resurrection?
  4. Loving women provide reliable witness to the resurrection (28:1, 5-8, 11).
    • What had the women been discussing on their journey to the tomb? (Mark 16:1-4)
    • How does it help us to know that the women were ‘afraid, yet filled with joy?’
  5. The only lasting hope for the world was announced by our risen Lord (28:8-10).
    • What can we learn from the first worshipers of the risen Lord?
    • How does our worship need to imitate theirs?
    • What assignment does Jesus give to His first worshipers?

Call to Action: To realize and then share the only real hope for the world.


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