"motivated" Tagged Sermons

soft pillows placed on cozy sofa

Comfort City Church

Do we have a comfort problem? The pandemic has been marked by an unprecedented indulgence in “comfort food.” But in seeking comfort during these stressful times, have we missed the mark? Second Corinthians 1:3-7 includes the word “comfort” TEN times in just five short verses. Spoiler alert: it’s not about food! “Praise be to the…

Surprised by Purpose

COLOSSIANS 1:24-29 Paul lets the church know that Christ had given him a purpose (v.24-25). How can we fill up what was lacking in the suffering of Christ? What stewardship has been given to us to make the word fully known? What have we been doing to make the word of God more fully known?…

We Are Building a Temple for the Lord

I CHRONICLES 29 David was preparing so that the next generation could build the temple (v.1-5). Why would David want to give over $34 B in gold for the temple? What are we doing to help the next generation build God’s house? David’s devotion motivated others to provide even more for the temple (v.6-9). How…

What Will You Tell Your Grandchildren?

I SAMUEL 24 David could later tell how 3,000 of the best troops chased him (v.1-2). If you are not busy working for the kingdom, what message will you share? Why is it important to share about opposition and obstacles you have faced? David had opportunity to easily rid himself of his enemy (v.3-4). What…