MATTHEW 12:38-45 An evil generation asks for a miraculous sign (v.38-39). What is so wrong about asking for a miraculous sign? What should we be doing instead of asking for a sign? Jesus declared that Jonah was in a huge fish for three days (v.39-40). Why do people find it so hard to believe the…
I KINGS 14:22-31 God had made a promise to bless the godly descendants of David (I Kings 2:4). What would have happened if David’s descendants had chosen to follow God? What happens to us when we decide to follow God? Solomon had been so blessed that he made 500 gold shields (I Kings 10:16-17). Who…
2 CHRONICLES 6 Solomon had good reason to cry out, “There is no God like You” (v.1-2). What had just happened before Solomon mentioned the dark cloud? (5:7, 13-14) What amazing events in your life have moved you to praise God? Solomon was serious about leading the people in praise (v.12-13). Why is it important…