Temporary Devotion

MATTHEW 21:1-11

  1. The disciples were devoted enough to go and get the colt (v.1-5).
    • How would it feel to be going to take someone else’s colt?
    • What kinds of uncomfortable things does God call you to do?
  2. The owners of the colt were devoted enough to give it (v.3).
    • Why would the owners of the donkey colt freely give it to Jesus?
    • What will move us to freely give Christ whatever is needed?
  3. The crowds were so devoted that they praised Jesus the Son of David (v.6-11).
    • Why did the people wave palm branches? (Leviticus 23:39-40).
    • What can we do to move us to want to praise Jesus with all our hearts?
  4. Five days later, the crowds cried out, “Crucify him!” (27:20-26).
    • What loyalties got in the way of their devotion to Jesus?
    • What things do we allow to get in the way of our devotion to Jesus?
  5. We need to possess a devotion that will endure (Philippians 3:10-14).
    • How desperately do I want to know Christ?
    • How willing am I to share in His suffering?
    • How intently am I straining for that which is ahead?

Call to Action: To develop a devotion to Christ that will endure.


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