The Great King Is Worthy of Praise


Introduction: We are called to praise God forever and ever (v.1-2).

  1. Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise (v.3-7).
    • How does the habit of praise pass from one generation to another?
    • What is the relationship between praising God and meditation?
    • How well are we praising, proclaiming and joyously singing of His greatness?
  2. The LORD is gracious and compassionate (v.8-12).
    • What role does God’s grace play in His splendor?
    • What assurance of praise and its effects is available to us?
    • What happens in our lives when we regularly speak of the splendor of God’s grace?
  3. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom (v.13-16).
    • What does the reign of God have to do with Him being faithful and loving?
    • How can those who are bowed down know that God will lift them up?
    • How does the reign of God satisfy the needs of mankind?
  4. The LORD is righteous in all His ways (v.17-20).
    • How does the spread of God’s righteousness affect relationships?
    • What blessings come to those who love the LORD?
    • What motivation for behavior grows from this praise?

Call to Action: That my mouth will speak in praise of the LORD forever.


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