How do you worship God? When Jesus approached the woman at the well and asked for a drink, did that relate to worship? Listen and read as Dean teaches how John 4 completely transformed his understanding of what worship is and what it means to worship.
I PETER 3:13-17 Hope motivates you to be zealous to do good (v.13-14). How bad is your suffering when you are living with hope? (Hebrews 12:2) How are we being blessed by suffering that has come from doing good? How is your hope protecting your heart from fear? Hope sanctifies Christ as Lord in our…
MATTHEW 12:38-45 An evil generation asks for a miraculous sign (v.38-39). What is so wrong about asking for a miraculous sign? What should we be doing instead of asking for a sign? Jesus declared that Jonah was in a huge fish for three days (v.39-40). Why do people find it so hard to believe the…
JOSHUA 10:1-15 Broad opposition from multiple sources call for impossible requests (v.1-5). Why do our problems tend to come in waves instead of as individual challenges? What moves a person of faith to ask God for impossible help in tough times? Loyalty and responsibility can call for impossible requests (v.6-8). What loyalties led Israel to…
LUKE 8:4-15 Jesus told stories on subjects that were familiar to His hearers (v.4-8). Why is it important to illustrate with stories that the people can relate to? What is the blessing of an understandable message (Ephesians 3:3-4)? Jesus shared the meaning of His stories with those who asked (v.9-10). Why is it important that…
Deacon Brenton Beckley presents a lesson on figuring out what we want in life, as well as what we need.