Now that the world is reopening, where should we go? Back to our old ways? Perhaps we could go somewhere better. As God continues to encourage and nurture us, let us seek to go on to maturity; a fullness and completeness only achievable by the grace and mercy of God by the sacrifice of his…
As the days grow warmer, sometimes there’s nothing more refreshing than a cold glass of water. Such a thing can restore your strength and clarity, but how many people do without this simple, often-for-granted pleasure (rather, essential provision)? Our God offers us the everlasting waters, that quench our thirst for eternity; are we, in turn,…
Enjoy this Father’s Day lesson on Success from Dean Manning.
PSALM 103:8-14 Our hope is in the Father because His love is merciful and gracious (v.8). In what ways are you thankful for God’s grace and mercy? How has the grace and mercy of the Father changed your life? Our Father does not respond to our sins with anger (v.8-10). What would happen if God…
II TIMOTHY 1:4-5 Timothy learned compassion from his mother and his grandmother (v.4). What does it say about you when others recall your tears and your joy? What debt do we have to those who blessed our hearts with compassion? Timothy’s faith first lived in his grandmother and in his mother (v.5). How did the…
ROMANS 8:18-25 This life’s trials are incapable of being compared to our hope of glory (v.18). What weight of suffering could compare to the weight of the glory that is coming? Why would God want us to think about this comparison? (2 Cor. 4:17) This creation has become the very definition of hope for us…
EZEKIEL 18 God purposely taught that we do not inherit sin (v.1-4). Why was it important in Ezekiel’s day for them to know this? Why is it so important in our day for us to know this? (Psalm 51:5; 71:6) A righteous man will surely live (v.5-9). Why aren’t the righteous punished for the sins…
PROVERBS 23 Apply your heart to instruction (v.12). What happens to hearts that are not specifically trained to love what is important? To what kind of instruction do we need to be applying our hearts? If your heart is wise, then the hearts of those who love you will be glad (v.15). How do parents…
I SAMUEL 24 David could later tell how 3,000 of the best troops chased him (v.1-2). If you are not busy working for the kingdom, what message will you share? Why is it important to share about opposition and obstacles you have faced? David had opportunity to easily rid himself of his enemy (v.3-4). What…
I SAMUEL 2:1-11 The one praising God after years of being childless is again barren (1:24-28). What does her amazing gift say about Hannah’s heart? To what extent are we willing to give our children to God? Hannah sings a song to glorify God above all else (2:1-5a). What does Hannah’s praise at that time…