"direction" Tagged Sermons

dreamy woman with cardboard box on meadow in park

Empty to Full!

There are plenty of crises in the world; plenty of reasons to feel lost, aimless, and empty. But the key to a healthy relationship with God is a continual denial of self. When you’re able to get yourself out of the way of your fulfillment, only then can God fill you completely and perfectly.

soft pillows placed on cozy sofa

Comfort City Church

Do we have a comfort problem? The pandemic has been marked by an unprecedented indulgence in “comfort food.” But in seeking comfort during these stressful times, have we missed the mark? Second Corinthians 1:3-7 includes the word “comfort” TEN times in just five short verses. Spoiler alert: it’s not about food! “Praise be to the…

road passing through mountain terrain

What Is the Will of God for My Life?

When determining the will of God for your life, Dean asks: have you given yourself as a “present,” are you a “non-conformist,” and are you being transformed (by the renewing of your mind)? Only then will you be able to do God’s will; his good, pleasing, and perfect will. Enjoy this lesson discussing both the…