Sermons on Choices

small judge gavel placed on table near folders

Judging 101

How quick are we to judge others? Whether we realize it or not, we often make assumptions about the intentions or actions of others. It’s a good thing no one does that to us… “Look first to serve, not to be served.” In the same way, look first to forgive, to think the best of…

wood light hotel house

Are You Free?

Have you ever asked yourself, “Am I free?” You may think you are, based on your earthly citizenship, but consider instead the essence of the question. Have you chained yourself to a lifestyle or to beliefs that restrict you from a purer and more free existence? We live in the land of the free, but…

two kids reading a fairy tale book

Let Us Go on to Maturity

Now that the world is reopening, where should we go? Back to our old ways? Perhaps we could go somewhere better. As God continues to encourage and nurture us, let us seek to go on to maturity; a fullness and completeness only achievable by the grace and mercy of God by the sacrifice of his…

crop unrecognizable office worker standing with papers in hand

Are you qualified?

What are your credentials? Are you “qualified” as a Christian? Paul, as an apostle of Jesus Christ (and considered quite “qualified”), said (1 Cor. 9:16b), “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” In vs. 22, “…to all I have become all things so that by all means I might save some.” You’re…

happy women hugging


Can you think of something that everyone needs? Something that would bless everyone who receives it? Forgiveness is a gift of mercy; a gift without which we cannot survive (eternally); a gift we all desperately need. Because, what do you have to do to be forgiven? Sin. And we all do that very well. As…

woman holding a yellow string light

GOOD God Almighty

The word “good” is used quite a bit. How are you? “Good.” How was your day? “Good.” How was your meal? “Good.” How did you sleep? “Good.” God is…? “Good?” God IS good. God is GOOD. He is the one good god. His creation is good. And his good creation is in us. Are we…

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Have you ever been in a cave when the lights were turned off? “Amazing grace! How sweet the sound! That saved a wretch like me!” Do you remember what comes next? Are you lost in the caverns of your sinful life? Are you blind to the truth—the grace and mercy—that Jesus freely gives to those…