Sermons are published here with outlines, audio and occasionally video; Supplemental PDF files are included. Podcasting support is built-in. Sermons are organized by topic, book, series and speaker.
Dean discusses pain, with regard to awareness of it, identifying physical/mental discomfort, and using our suffering to improve both ourselves and our relationship with Christ.
Continuing in the “Run the mile you’re in” series, Dean discusses what it means to be “unoffendable.”
Enjoy this lesson from Dean Manning, continuing with the topic of “[running] the mile you’re in,” on “Celebration.”
Enjoy this lesson on Comparison from Dean Manning.
Enjoy this Father’s Day lesson on Success from Dean Manning.
Listen to Dean as he discusses what faith is, where it comes from, and how to develop it.
Enjoy this lesson from Dean on “Identity: How is your ‘I’?”
Enjoy this lesson from our minister, Dean Manning, on what fellowship is and what it should be.
PHILIPPIANS 1:3-6 I am always thankful for you (v.3). How did it make the Philippians feel when this letter was read to them? How many reasons do we have to be thankful for our brothers and sisters in Christ? How can we do a better job of letting them know how they have blessed us?…
I JOHN 1:1-4 Jesus’ character changed and motivated the first disciples (I John 1:1-4) How would your life have been changed if you had seen, touched and heard Jesus? What can we do to better see, hear and touch Jesus today? The cry of the growing church is “Come and see!” (John 4:28-30). When we…