Spring is upon us; have you been pruned lately? Jesus says, “I am the vine; you are the branches.” You can only bear fruit if you are part of the vine, and if you do not bear fruit you will be cut away. Pruning, while painful at times, encourages growth and fruitfulness. Bear fruit, appreciate…
“Troublesome times are here, filling men’s hearts with fear.” Are you troubled? Dean explores our pursuit after the way of truth that brings life. Are you prepared to follow Him?
You’ve heard it said, “grow where you’re planted,” but have you found the true seed and source of life? Have you been watered? Have you been nurtured and pruned in order to be fruitful? So how is your growth, really? Find the Savior, find the seed, be watered, and grow for the good of God…
Who or what is leading you through life? Dean discusses the leader, the guide, the shepherd that is freely available to us. And the best part is: this isn’t just any shepherd, he’s the Good Shepherd.
Have you ever been in a cave when the lights were turned off? “Amazing grace! How sweet the sound! That saved a wretch like me!” Do you remember what comes next? Are you lost in the caverns of your sinful life? Are you blind to the truth—the grace and mercy—that Jesus freely gives to those…
Are you well? Really? Do you want to get well? Really? Countless miracles are recorded of Jesus healing the sick, the lame, the deformed, but what he was really healing was their soul; “go and sin no more.” So, are you well spiritually? Do you want to get well? Rise up and walk.
How do you worship God? When Jesus approached the woman at the well and asked for a drink, did that relate to worship? Listen and read as Dean teaches how John 4 completely transformed his understanding of what worship is and what it means to worship.
Consider your identity. Who are you? Who are you trying to be? Who are you supposed to be? If you’re looking for something more, if you thirst for something better, seek water that will quench your thirst forever. “Through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,” be justified by the grace of…
Spring isn’t here yet, but are you overdue for some Spring-cleaning? Not your home, but your house: your heart, your temple, the house of God. Consider your zeal, as Jesus demonstrated his while clearing the temple (John 2: 13-22), then refresh and revive your heart. Keep up with your “housecleaning,” and daily proclaim the resurrection…
In Acts, Jesus says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” However, do we focus more on the blessing or the Blessor? Explore a life of true giving, by which we may be truly blessed.