Dean asks the question, “what time is it for you?” Through his discussion, he challenges us to trust that “there is a time for everything” and that we need to set our spiritual clocks to “God Standard Time.” We must recognize this moment (and every moment) is “NOW time,” for 2 Corinthians 6:2 tell us,…
Dean ask the question, “When/what can we give?” Like Jesus with the woman at the well, Dean challenges us to give according the needs of others, as well as giving (and seeking/receiving) from the source of eternal life, the everlasting fountain: our Lord and God.
Dean talks about finding consistency in your relationship with God, as well as founding yourself in God’s consistency.
What is “Nike?” What does it mean? Sporting equipment? A Greek goddess? Nike means victory! Explore victory in Jesus and the good news of the Gospel as Dean discusses what it means to be a victor and not a victim.
How are you running the “love mile” that you’re in? Dean explores the definition of love and how we can reach completeness as we strive to love God and others.
Dean presents koinonia as a concept of partnership, as well as a point of commonality between all.
In today’s lesson, Dean asks, “what are we declaring?”
Fear can affect us in so many ways, at so many different times in our life; Dean discusses the perfect love of God that can cast out all fear from our life.
As Dean continues in his “Awareness: Run the Mile You’re In” series, he explores the act of worship and discusses where we do it, how we do it, why we do it, and much more. Enjoy this week’s lesson and take time to examine your worship and your relationship with God.
Dean discusses pain, with regard to awareness of it, identifying physical/mental discomfort, and using our suffering to improve both ourselves and our relationship with Christ.