Can you think of something that everyone needs? Something that would bless everyone who receives it? Forgiveness is a gift of mercy; a gift without which we cannot survive (eternally); a gift we all desperately need. Because, what do you have to do to be forgiven? Sin. And we all do that very well. As…
EPHESIANS 4:11-16 The hope for our world is the equipped body Christ (v.11-12). What can I do to become better equipped for the work of ministry? How am I strengthening and building up the body of Christ? The hope for our world is the united and mature body of Christ (v.13). Why does equipping the…
II CHRONICLES 20:1-30 There are vast armies that are ready to attack the people of God (v.1-2). Even when you are serving God, why will enemies gather against you? What vast armies are arrayed against the people of God today? When they didn’t know what to do, they sought God in prayer (v.3-12). Why is…
PSALM 145 Introduction: We are called to praise God forever and ever (v.1-2). Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise (v.3-7). How does the habit of praise pass from one generation to another? What is the relationship between praising God and meditation? How well are we praising, proclaiming and joyously singing of His…