GENESIS 40 God personally gave Joseph reasons to have hope (37:5-11). Whatever would happen to him for the next 13 years, what assurance did he have? Whatever happens to you in your life, what assurances do you have? When rejected by his brothers and sold as a slave, he needed hope (37:23-28). In that cistern,…
ISAIAH 29:13-24 When people only honor God outwardly, they need to be awed (v.13-14). What is incomplete about honoring God only with our lips? When have you allowed God to ‘astound you with wonder upon wonder?’ Those who think they can sin secretly are rejecting the creator (v.15-16). What do our attempts to hide our…
LEVITICUS 16 The high priest had to be holy to offer a sacrifice for the people (v.11-14). Why would the high priest need to offer a sacrifice for His sins? How is our sacrifice superior to theirs? (II Corinthians 5:21) The forgiveness of sins requires a blood sacrifice (v.15-19). What is the logic behind a…
JOHN 12:37-46 As prophesied, many Jews chose not to believe in Jesus (v.37-40). How does ‘would not believe’ differ from ‘could not believe?’ What factors would lead to the choice of not believing in Christ? The prophets clearly declared a rejected Messiah (v.38; Isaiah 53:1). How does the context of Isaiah clearly declare Jesus as…
NUMBERS 12 God does not approve of speaking against anyone based on race (v.1-2). For what reason did they speak against the leader of their people? What damage did we see this week resulting from racial prejudice? God clearly punished those who racially rejected authority (v.4-10a). Do you think God was justified in punishing Miriam…
HEBREWS 12:16-17 We are not to be immoral like Esau (v.16). When we go back to Genesis, what do we find immoral about Esau? What was it about the illustration given that is still immoral? We are not to be profane like Esau (v.16). What threshold did Esau illicitly cross? When we choose immediate gratification,…