Have you ever asked yourself, “Am I free?” You may think you are, based on your earthly citizenship, but consider instead the essence of the question. Have you chained yourself to a lifestyle or to beliefs that restrict you from a purer and more free existence? We live in the land of the free, but…
DEUTERONOMY 11 Love the LORD and keep His laws so you will be strong (v.1, 8-12). Why does God link loving the LORD with obeying Him? (Galatians 5:6) How do godly actions make you stronger? For what purpose was God strengthening His obedient people? Remember what God has done and teach the children (v.2-7, 18-21).…
ISAIAH 55:1-7 Only a true thirsting for the water of life will satisfy your soul (v.1-2). What happens to us when we seek things that do not satisfy our souls? What do you think of the quote: “Each of us has about as much of God as we want.” Giving your attention to God will…
ACTS 10:1-48 Cornelius was a pre-covenant believer (v. 1-8). How do we see sincere seekers who are not yet born in Christ? How can we encourage sincere seekers to continue their search? Peter had to be persuaded to see Cornelius as a potential brother (v.9-23). What mental gyrations did Peter have to make to receive…