II CORINTHIANS 3:7-18 Our ministry is much more glorious than that of Moses (v.7-8). How glorious would it have been to see the glory of God on Mt. Sinai? How is our ministry even more glorious? Why is it so important that we view it as a ministry? A ministry that brings life is much…
LUKE 23:40-43 When life is as bad as it can get, with Jesus there is hope (Luke 23:40-43). What was the only hope for the thief on the cross? What is the greatest and the only hope for us? (I Peter 1:8-9) We have already been seated with Christ (Ephesians 2:6). How can a realization…
Enjoy this guest lesson from deacon Brenton Beckley on finding out “What’s My Purpose?”
MATTHEW 22:1-14 Sadly, many who were invited to the feast, refused to come (v.1-3). Is the problem with the invitation or with the heart of those invited? What was the role of peer pressure for all of them to refuse? Why do we allow anything to hinder us from coming to the feast? Some who…
I KINGS 14:22-31 God had made a promise to bless the godly descendants of David (I Kings 2:4). What would have happened if David’s descendants had chosen to follow God? What happens to us when we decide to follow God? Solomon had been so blessed that he made 500 gold shields (I Kings 10:16-17). Who…
PROVERBS 23 Apply your heart to instruction (v.12). What happens to hearts that are not specifically trained to love what is important? To what kind of instruction do we need to be applying our hearts? If your heart is wise, then the hearts of those who love you will be glad (v.15). How do parents…
Enjoy this guest lesson from deacon Brenton Beckley on “Courage: Telling Your Story in a World of Fear.”
LEVITICUS 16 The high priest had to be holy to offer a sacrifice for the people (v.11-14). Why would the high priest need to offer a sacrifice for His sins? How is our sacrifice superior to theirs? (II Corinthians 5:21) The forgiveness of sins requires a blood sacrifice (v.15-19). What is the logic behind a…
GENESIS 42 Ten older brothers had good reason to feel the weight of guilt (37:17-35). How could you sell your little brother as a slave to your cousins ? How could you stand to see your father’s tears because of your actions and your lies? They had suffered with their own guilt for over 20…
Elder Bryan McKee presents a lesson on preparing for the Christian walk, both practically and spiritually.