Sermons on Spirit

happy women hugging


Can you think of something that everyone needs? Something that would bless everyone who receives it? Forgiveness is a gift of mercy; a gift without which we cannot survive (eternally); a gift we all desperately need. Because, what do you have to do to be forgiven? Sin. And we all do that very well. As…

Your Nicodemus Experience

Consider your identity. Who are you? Who are you trying to be? Who are you supposed to be? If you’re looking for something more, if you thirst for something better, seek water that will quench your thirst forever. “Through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,” be justified by the grace of…

How’s Your Housecleaning?

Spring isn’t here yet, but are you overdue for some Spring-cleaning? Not your home, but your house: your heart, your temple, the house of God. Consider your zeal, as Jesus demonstrated his while clearing the temple (John 2: 13-22), then refresh and revive your heart. Keep up with your “housecleaning,” and daily proclaim the resurrection…

road passing through mountain terrain

What Is the Will of God for My Life?

When determining the will of God for your life, Dean asks: have you given yourself as a “present,” are you a “non-conformist,” and are you being transformed (by the renewing of your mind)? Only then will you be able to do God’s will; his good, pleasing, and perfect will. Enjoy this lesson discussing both the…

trees in park

Is It Well With Your Soul?

Is it well with your soul? Dean explores the substantiation of wellness and uses seven potential points of reference through his discussion: love, wishes/requests, spiritual appreciation, truth, joy, actions, and mentor(s). Take time to assess you (spiritual) health as you enjoy Dean’s lesson this week.


As Dean continues in his “Awareness: Run the Mile You’re In” series, he explores the act of worship and discusses where we do it, how we do it, why we do it, and much more. Enjoy this week’s lesson and take time to examine your worship and your relationship with God.

Hope and Its Related Blessings

EPHESIANS 1:18-21 We need to pray for enlightened hearts to know the hope of our calling (v.18). What enlightenment will help us better know the hope of our calling? Why is it important that our hope is not separated from our calling? Our hope is related to the glorious riches of His inheritance (v.18b). Why…