MATTHEW 16:13-28
- Jesus asked two serious questions and Peter answered the hard one. (v.13-16).
- What do both of these questions tell us about the disciples?
- How well can you answer these two questions?
- What will help us to have a faith like Peter?
- Peter was specifically blessed for his confession (v.17-20).
- Why was Peter blessed and what blessings did he receive?
- How are we affected by the blessings that Peter received?
- Peter takes issue with the message that Jesus will soon die (v.21-22).
- What reasons would Peter have for taking Jesus aside?
- What is our duty when the message of Jesus is not what we want to hear?
- Jesus clearly rebuked the one He had just blessed (v.23).
- How strongly did Peter feel this rebuke?
- For what behaviors do we deserve this same rebuke?
- The teaching that followed is all a part of this context (v.24-28).
- How do denying self, taking your cross and following apply to verse 23?
- How does verse 25 apply to verse 23? -How does verse 26 apply to verse 23?
- How do the prophecies of verse 27-28 apply to verse 23 and to us?
Call to Action: To trust God’s message even when it’s not what we want to hear.