"hear" Tagged Sermons

You Were Invited to the Feast!

MATTHEW 22:1-14 Sadly, many who were invited to the feast, refused to come (v.1-3). Is the problem with the invitation or with the heart of those invited? What was the role of peer pressure for all of them to refuse? Why do we allow anything to hinder us from coming to the feast? Some who…

When the Blessed Need to Be Rebuked

MATTHEW 16:13-28 Jesus asked two serious questions and Peter answered the hard one. (v.13-16). What do both of these questions tell us about the disciples? How well can you answer these two questions? What will help us to have a faith like Peter? Peter was specifically blessed for his confession (v.17-20). Why was Peter blessed…

“There Is No God like You!”

2 CHRONICLES 6 Solomon had good reason to cry out, “There is no God like You” (v.1-2). What had just happened before Solomon mentioned the dark cloud? (5:7, 13-14) What amazing events in your life have moved you to praise God? Solomon was serious about leading the people in praise (v.12-13). Why is it important…

Good and Honest Hearts

LUKE 8:4-15 Jesus told stories on subjects that were familiar to His hearers (v.4-8). Why is it important to illustrate with stories that the people can relate to? What is the blessing of an understandable message (Ephesians 3:3-4)? Jesus shared the meaning of His stories with those who asked (v.9-10). Why is it important that…

More Than Just Looking

JAMES 1:22-25 When we merely listen to the word, we deceive ourselves (v.22). Why is just feeling convicted not enough? How are we deceiving ourselves when we don’t put it into practice? We need to learn a lesson from our mirrors (v.23-24). Why is this one of the all-time great illustrations? What is wrong with…