EXODUS 25-27 God told His people to build a place where He could dwell among them (25:8-9). Why is the release from slavery not enough for Israel or for us? How should we be affected by knowing that God wants to dwell with His people? God began His instructions with the very place where He…
Ephesians 1 The only way to get bread is to go where it is (Genesis 41:54, 57). Why couldn’t the grain be delivered to other places? What is the parallel for salvation? (II Timothy 2:10). All spiritual blessings are found in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-3). How is salvation more than just being saved? What is the…
ACTS 2:42 The early disciples were devoted (v.42). What happens to marriages and all relationships when there is a lack of devotion? What is involved in being completely devoted? They were devoted to the apostles’ teaching (v.42). How did they practice devotion to the apostles’ teaching? How can we better display devotion to the apostles’…