I am the resurrection and the life… John 11:25a From the beginning, death has been a constant truth in the mind and body of man. However, resurrection—and eternal life—have also been an element of God’s creation from the very beginning. His perfect plan and perfect purpose have been in motion from the first moment sin…
MATTHEW 16:13-28 Jesus asked two serious questions and Peter answered the hard one. (v.13-16). What do both of these questions tell us about the disciples? How well can you answer these two questions? What will help us to have a faith like Peter? Peter was specifically blessed for his confession (v.17-20). Why was Peter blessed…
II SAMUEL 3 A dishonored man of honor chose to honor the king (v.6-21). Why is it not in your best interest to dishonor others? In whose company do honorable people feel most comfortable? How much effort are honorable men willing to give to live honorably? A dishonorable man chose to dishonor his uncle, the…
LUKE 8:4-15 Jesus told stories on subjects that were familiar to His hearers (v.4-8). Why is it important to illustrate with stories that the people can relate to? What is the blessing of an understandable message (Ephesians 3:3-4)? Jesus shared the meaning of His stories with those who asked (v.9-10). Why is it important that…
II Corinthians 5:14-6:2 The nature of the revolution begins with the truth that we have died (v.14-15). How does the love of our dying Savior compel us to die so we can live for Him? What is motivating you not to live for yourself, but for Jesus? The nature of the revolution gives us a…