As the days grow warmer, sometimes there’s nothing more refreshing than a cold glass of water. Such a thing can restore your strength and clarity, but how many people do without this simple, often-for-granted pleasure (rather, essential provision)? Our God offers us the everlasting waters, that quench our thirst for eternity; are we, in turn,…
Consider your identity. Who are you? Who are you trying to be? Who are you supposed to be? If you’re looking for something more, if you thirst for something better, seek water that will quench your thirst forever. “Through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,” be justified by the grace of…
When determining the will of God for your life, Dean asks: have you given yourself as a “present,” are you a “non-conformist,” and are you being transformed (by the renewing of your mind)? Only then will you be able to do God’s will; his good, pleasing, and perfect will. Enjoy this lesson discussing both the…
MATTHEW 28:19-20 When Jesus declared His ultimate authority, He gave one assignment (28:18-20). How does making disciples differ from calling people to salvation? Why does baptism come after the making of a disciple? What all is involved in making people to be disciples? The nature of the assignment is immense and clear (Luke 6:40). How…
ACTS 2:42 The early disciples were devoted (v.42). What happens to marriages and all relationships when there is a lack of devotion? What is involved in being completely devoted? They were devoted to the apostles’ teaching (v.42). How did they practice devotion to the apostles’ teaching? How can we better display devotion to the apostles’…