Are you unemployed, underemployed, or employed? The keyword to all of these concepts is “work.” What is our work? Who is our example and resource? When is our retirement? Time for your on-the-job training! Let’s get to…work?
I TIMOTHY 6:11-16 To pursue righteousness, we need to flee from materialism (v.11, 9-10). If we are to be righteous, why is it so important to flee from the love of money? What will motivate you to do a better job of fleeing from materialism? Pursuing righteousness includes godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness (v.11).…
JEREMIAH 20 People of God are often in conflict with religious leaders (v.1-6). How much did it cost Jeremiah to share God’s message? How much will it cost us to share God’s message? How much does it cost those who reject God’s message? Like it or not, the message of God demands to be shared…
II CHRONICLES 20:1-30 There are vast armies that are ready to attack the people of God (v.1-2). Even when you are serving God, why will enemies gather against you? What vast armies are arrayed against the people of God today? When they didn’t know what to do, they sought God in prayer (v.3-12). Why is…
I SAMUEL 17 Satan uses intimidation because it doesn’t require anything of him (v.4-11). What response should believers have to giant problems? (Numbers 13:33; 14:6-8) What happens to us when we focus on intimidating problems? When David looked to the living God, intimidation lost its power (v.26, 36f). What power does intimidation have with a…