"house" Tagged Sermons

How’s Your Housecleaning?

Spring isn’t here yet, but are you overdue for some Spring-cleaning? Not your home, but your house: your heart, your temple, the house of God. Consider your zeal, as Jesus demonstrated his while clearing the temple (John 2: 13-22), then refresh and revive your heart. Keep up with your “housecleaning,” and daily proclaim the resurrection…

You Were Invited to the Feast!

MATTHEW 22:1-14 Sadly, many who were invited to the feast, refused to come (v.1-3). Is the problem with the invitation or with the heart of those invited? What was the role of peer pressure for all of them to refuse? Why do we allow anything to hinder us from coming to the feast? Some who…

Using God

II KINGS 16 Instead of serving God, Ahaz chose to worship idols (v.1-4). What is the motivation behind idolatry? How does the idolatry of Colossians 3:5 demonstrate that truth? Instead of trusting God, Ahaz chose to trust in Assyria (v. 5-9). Why would we choose to trust earthly sources above God? Again, what is the…

We Are Building a Temple for the Lord

I CHRONICLES 29 David was preparing so that the next generation could build the temple (v.1-5). Why would David want to give over $34 B in gold for the temple? What are we doing to help the next generation build God’s house? David’s devotion motivated others to provide even more for the temple (v.6-9). How…