“Troublesome times are here, filling men’s hearts with fear.” Are you troubled? Dean explores our pursuit after the way of truth that brings life. Are you prepared to follow Him?
LUKE 17:21 The entire message of Jesus was about the coming of the Kingdom (Mark 1:15). Why is the message of redemption incomplete without the concept of kingdom? Why would Jesus be so unassuming and personal if He is a king? Their misunderstanding about the Kingdom missed the point (John 6:14-15). What was wrong with…
Ephesians 1 The only way to get bread is to go where it is (Genesis 41:54, 57). Why couldn’t the grain be delivered to other places? What is the parallel for salvation? (II Timothy 2:10). All spiritual blessings are found in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-3). How is salvation more than just being saved? What is the…
Galatians 4:1-7 Immature children are under authority as are servants (v.1-3). How mature are you if you see God as a Master rather than a Father? How much assurance should a child of God possess? Jesus came to redeem us so that we could become Sons (v.4-5). Why was redemption necessary before we could become…