Sermons on God (Page 2)

road passing through mountain terrain

What Is the Will of God for My Life?

When determining the will of God for your life, Dean asks: have you given yourself as a “present,” are you a “non-conformist,” and are you being transformed (by the renewing of your mind)? Only then will you be able to do God’s will; his good, pleasing, and perfect will. Enjoy this lesson discussing both the…

trees in park

Is It Well With Your Soul?

Is it well with your soul? Dean explores the substantiation of wellness and uses seven potential points of reference through his discussion: love, wishes/requests, spiritual appreciation, truth, joy, actions, and mentor(s). Take time to assess you (spiritual) health as you enjoy Dean’s lesson this week.

black and white photo of clocks


Dean asks the question, “what time is it for you?” Through his discussion, he challenges us to trust that “there is a time for everything” and that we need to set our spiritual clocks to “God Standard Time.” We must recognize this moment (and every moment) is “NOW time,” for 2 Corinthians 6:2 tell us,…