Sermons on Judging

small judge gavel placed on table near folders

Judging 101

How quick are we to judge others? Whether we realize it or not, we often make assumptions about the intentions or actions of others. It’s a good thing no one does that to us… “Look first to serve, not to be served.” In the same way, look first to forgive, to think the best of…

Great and Marvelous Judgements

REVELATION 15 Great and marvelous judgements begin at the throne of God (v.1-2a). What aspects of this scene remind us of Revelation 4-5? How do these scenes declare the glory of the God who judges sin? Great and marvelous judgements are accompanied by singing (v.2a-3a). What can we know about the song of Moses? (Deuteronomy…

Evil Is Judged by Nineveh and Sheba

MATTHEW 12:38-45 An evil generation asks for a miraculous sign (v.38-39). What is so wrong about asking for a miraculous sign? What should we be doing instead of asking for a sign? Jesus declared that Jonah was in a huge fish for three days (v.39-40). Why do people find it so hard to believe the…

Angry About God’s Grace

JONAH 1-4 Jonah fled to Tarshish because he was angry about God’s grace (4:1-4) What did Jonah’s anger have to do with his running from God? What is wrong with a heart that is so angry with God’s grace that it runs from Him? What is wrong with our hearts when we run from God’s…

Kindness Instead of Condemnation

ROMANS 2:1-4 We all have good reason to avoid condemning others (v.1). Why are we without excuse when we choose to judge others? How are we condemning ourselves when we judge others? What can we do to help us avoid passing judgment? God’s judgment is directed at those who judge others (v.2-3). What should we…

There Is No Place for Racial Prejudice

NUMBERS 12 God does not approve of speaking against anyone based on race (v.1-2). For what reason did they speak against the leader of their people? What damage did we see this week resulting from racial prejudice? God clearly punished those who racially rejected authority (v.4-10a). Do you think God was justified in punishing Miriam…