Elder Bryan McKee presents a lesson on preparing for the Christian walk, both practically and spiritually.
PSALM 90:12 Moses was trained 120 years to teach us how to number our days (v.1-6). What lessons do we need to learn from the seasons of Moses’ life? How can our understanding of Moses’ days help us better number ours? To number our days we need proper perspective (v.7-11). What spiritual perspective will help…
ACTS 2:42 The early disciples were devoted (v.42). What happens to marriages and all relationships when there is a lack of devotion? What is involved in being completely devoted? They were devoted to the apostles’ teaching (v.42). How did they practice devotion to the apostles’ teaching? How can we better display devotion to the apostles’…
HEBREWS 12:16-17 We are not to be immoral like Esau (v.16). When we go back to Genesis, what do we find immoral about Esau? What was it about the illustration given that is still immoral? We are not to be profane like Esau (v.16). What threshold did Esau illicitly cross? When we choose immediate gratification,…
JOHN 6:66-69 Sometimes, the hard teachings of Jesus thinned the crowd (John 6:66-69). What does it say about us when we allow hard sayings to turn us away? How can we develop a heart that realizes that He alone has the words of life? The required level of commitment thinned the crowd (Mark 10:17-22). What…
When Jesus was deeply distressed, He shared His heart (Mark 14:32-34). Why would Jesus reveal such deep feelings with His disciples? Why do we need to reveal our deep feelings with our brothers in Christ? How does the authenticity of Jesus draw us to Him? When Jesus was filled with strong desires, He shared His…