"salvation" Tagged Sermons

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Dean asks the question, “what time is it for you?” Through his discussion, he challenges us to trust that “there is a time for everything” and that we need to set our spiritual clocks to “God Standard Time.” We must recognize this moment (and every moment) is “NOW time,” for 2 Corinthians 6:2 tell us,…

The Assignment That Brings Hope to Our World

MATTHEW 28:19-20 When Jesus declared His ultimate authority, He gave one assignment (28:18-20). How does making disciples differ from calling people to salvation? Why does baptism come after the making of a disciple? What all is involved in making people to be disciples? The nature of the assignment is immense and clear (Luke 6:40). How…

There Is Hope for the Hurting

LAMENTATIONS 3:1-26 Jeremiah in experiencing terrible anguish says, “I hurt!” (v.1-18) How badly was Jeremiah hurting? (2:11-12; 3:48) Why is it so important for us to take our anguish to God in prayer? Jeremiah, still in terrible anguish says, “I remember!” (v.19-21) Besides his past trials, what else does Jeremiah remember? Besides our past trials,…

Made Like His Brothers

HEBREWS 2:5-18 Instead of subjecting the world to angels, God gave man that role (v.5-9). What can we know about the relative position of angels and mankind? How does the marginal reading of “a little while” help us understand? The One perfected through suffering makes us holy and family (v.10-11). What hope can we have…

Why Did Jesus Come?

JOHN 10:10 Jesus came so that we can have life abundantly (John 10:10). How is life more abundant with our Good Shepherd? How many people would describe you as living abundantly? What can we do to better realize this abundant life? Jesus gives abundant life to those who follow Him (Luke 9:23). How does Jesus’…