"salvation" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

There Is No Place for Racial Prejudice

NUMBERS 12 God does not approve of speaking against anyone based on race (v.1-2). For what reason did they speak against the leader of their people? What damage did we see this week resulting from racial prejudice? God clearly punished those who racially rejected authority (v.4-10a). Do you think God was justified in punishing Miriam…

A Contagious Faith

II TIMOTHY 1:4-5; 3:14-15 Timothy was infected with the contagious faith of his family (1:5). How can grandmothers and mothers pass on their faith? How well are we infecting others with our faith? The faith Timothy learned was an emotional faith (1:4). Why is it important that our faith is also emotional (Galatians 5:6)? What…

Developing a Heart That Will Not Be Silenced

ACTS 4:8-20 We need to understand that everything good was done by Jesus (v.8-10). How is all healing accomplished? What will help you get to the point that you know this for sure? We need to understand that salvation is only found in Jesus (v.11-12). What reasons did Peter have for saying this? What reasons…