"selfless" Tagged Sermons

dreamy woman with cardboard box on meadow in park

Empty to Full!

There are plenty of crises in the world; plenty of reasons to feel lost, aimless, and empty. But the key to a healthy relationship with God is a continual denial of self. When you’re able to get yourself out of the way of your fulfillment, only then can God fill you completely and perfectly.

The Lifestyle of Hope

ROMANS 15:1-4 Everything written before was for our learning so we can have hope (v.4). What lessons have we usually taught from this verse? Why is context so important to the study of scripture? The context of verse 4 begins with helping the weak (v.1). Since the paragraph begins with helping the weak, what can…

We Are Convinced

II CORINTHIANS 5:14-17 Christ’s love compels those who are convinced of His sacrifice (v.14). All the major translations agree: “because we have concluded this” –ESV; “because we are convinced” –NIV; “having concluded this” – NAS; “because we thus judge” –KJV What is the reason that Christ’s love compels or doesn’t compel you? What has or…

Do You Love the Father?

LUKE 15:11-32 Jesus wanted the sinners to know that the Father loved them (v.11-20). What lessons could Jesus’ dinner guests gain from these parables? Why didn’t someone go looking for the brother like they did for the sheep and coin? How does the Father’s love reconcile the returning son with the whole community? Jesus wanted…