Fear can affect us in so many ways, at so many different times in our life; Dean discusses the perfect love of God that can cast out all fear from our life.
Enjoy this lesson from Dean Manning, continuing with the topic of “[running] the mile you’re in,” on “Celebration.”
Enjoy this lesson on Comparison from Dean Manning.
Listen to Dean as he discusses what faith is, where it comes from, and how to develop it.
Enjoy this lesson from Dean on “Identity: How is your ‘I’?”
PHILIPPIANS 1:3-6 I am always thankful for you (v.3). How did it make the Philippians feel when this letter was read to them? How many reasons do we have to be thankful for our brothers and sisters in Christ? How can we do a better job of letting them know how they have blessed us?…
PSALM 103:8-14 Our hope is in the Father because His love is merciful and gracious (v.8). In what ways are you thankful for God’s grace and mercy? How has the grace and mercy of the Father changed your life? Our Father does not respond to our sins with anger (v.8-10). What would happen if God…
COLOSSIANS 1:24-29 The apostle Paul discovers and shares his role in Christ (Colossians 1:24-26). How does our culture strive for self-discovery? How does Paul realize and then live in the only real way that discovers self? The mystery revealed to all believers now supplies the hope of glory (v.27). How does living for Jesus discover…
LAMENTATIONS 3:18-24 In times of great anguish we can easily lose our hope (v. 18-20). What anguish was robbing Jeremiah of his hope? What anguish is robbing us of our hope? Remembering the steadfast love of God will help you find hope (v. 21f). What will help you to be more firmly convinced of the…
HEBREWS 11:1-3 For hope to exist, there must be some foundation assuring it (v.1). How does our faith provide proof for our hope (Acts 17:31) How does our faith connect us to our anchor? (Hebrews 6:19) How is your hope being strengthened by the assurance provided by faith? Our assuring faith remains unseen (v.1). What…