Dean ask the question, “When/what can we give?” Like Jesus with the woman at the well, Dean challenges us to give according the needs of others, as well as giving (and seeking/receiving) from the source of eternal life, the everlasting fountain: our Lord and God.
Continuing in the “Run the mile you’re in” series, Dean discusses what it means to be “unoffendable.”
Enjoy this lesson from Dean on “Identity: How is your ‘I’?”
EPHESIANS 3:10-11 The eternal purpose of God is accomplished in Christ Jesus (v.10-11). How has the church been able to make known the eternal purpose of God? How amazed and sobered are you by your role in the eternal purpose of God? The eternal purpose of God was first announced to Abraham (Genesis 12:2-3) How…
COLOSSIANS 1:24-29 The apostle Paul discovers and shares his role in Christ (Colossians 1:24-26). How does our culture strive for self-discovery? How does Paul realize and then live in the only real way that discovers self? The mystery revealed to all believers now supplies the hope of glory (v.27). How does living for Jesus discover…
HEBREWS 11:1-3 For hope to exist, there must be some foundation assuring it (v.1). How does our faith provide proof for our hope (Acts 17:31) How does our faith connect us to our anchor? (Hebrews 6:19) How is your hope being strengthened by the assurance provided by faith? Our assuring faith remains unseen (v.1). What…
ROMANS 15:1-4 Everything written before was for our learning so we can have hope (v.4). What lessons have we usually taught from this verse? Why is context so important to the study of scripture? The context of verse 4 begins with helping the weak (v.1). Since the paragraph begins with helping the weak, what can…
II CORINTHIANS 5:1-5 We know that we have an eternal heavenly home (v.1). What is the source of our heavenly home? (John 14:1-4) How does our hope overcome any fears of this life? While here, we groan longingly for our heavenly home (v.2). How strongly are we desiring our heavenly home? How do our actions…
II CORINTHIANS 9:12-15 Our gifts of service must be overflowing in thanksgiving (v.12). How has your service supplied the needs of God’s people? How have others been blessed by your overflowing gift? People are praising God because of your service (v.13). How have you been proved faithful by your service? How do you feel about…
Enjoy this guest lesson from deacon Brenton Beckley on finding out “What’s My Purpose?”