Sermons on Love (Page 4)

The High Cost of Trying to Save Yourself

II KINGS 25:1-7 Zedekiah had been told how to be saved (Jeremiah 21:8-9, 38:2). Why would the king choose rebellion instead of surrender? Why do we choose rebellion instead of surrender? Zedekiah was afraid of the cost of obeying God (Jeremiah 38:17-20). What was the basis of Zedekiah’s fear? What is the basis of our…

Love Is What We Are to Be

I CORINTHIANS 13 Love for God is incomplete without displaying it by blessing others (v.1). Why is genuine love more persuasive than impressive speech? How can we make sure that our words are more than an obnoxious noise? Spiritual maturity and insight is incomplete without practicing love (v.2). What happens to Christianity when we just…

Punished by Guilt

GENESIS 42 Ten older brothers had good reason to feel the weight of guilt (37:17-35). How could you sell your little brother as a slave to your cousins ? How could you stand to see your father’s tears because of your actions and your lies? They had suffered with their own guilt for over 20…

Shall We Accept Good from God and Not Trouble?

JOB 1-2 Before we read Job, we must be reminded of God’s nature (Exodus 34:6-7). Why was it important for God to let Moses, the leader of Israel, know His nature? Is the story of Job able to transform the nature of God (I John 4:7-9)? Since God is love, why would He initiate this…

Why Did Jesus Come?

JOHN 10:10 Jesus came so that we can have life abundantly (John 10:10). How is life more abundant with our Good Shepherd? How many people would describe you as living abundantly? What can we do to better realize this abundant life? Jesus gives abundant life to those who follow Him (Luke 9:23). How does Jesus’…

We Are Convinced

II CORINTHIANS 5:14-17 Christ’s love compels those who are convinced of His sacrifice (v.14). All the major translations agree: “because we have concluded this” –ESV; “because we are convinced” –NIV; “having concluded this” – NAS; “because we thus judge” –KJV What is the reason that Christ’s love compels or doesn’t compel you? What has or…