Sermons are published here with outlines, audio and occasionally video; Supplemental PDF files are included. Podcasting support is built-in. Sermons are organized by topic, book, series and speaker.

Why Did Jesus Come?

JOHN 10:10 Jesus came so that we can have life abundantly (John 10:10). How is life more abundant with our Good Shepherd? How many people would describe you as living abundantly? What can we do to better realize this abundant life? Jesus gives abundant life to those who follow Him (Luke 9:23). How does Jesus’…

Kindness Instead of Condemnation

ROMANS 2:1-4 We all have good reason to avoid condemning others (v.1). Why are we without excuse when we choose to judge others? How are we condemning ourselves when we judge others? What can we do to help us avoid passing judgment? God’s judgment is directed at those who judge others (v.2-3). What should we…

We Are Convinced

II CORINTHIANS 5:14-17 Christ’s love compels those who are convinced of His sacrifice (v.14). All the major translations agree: “because we have concluded this” –ESV; “because we are convinced” –NIV; “having concluded this” – NAS; “because we thus judge” –KJV What is the reason that Christ’s love compels or doesn’t compel you? What has or…

There Is No Place for Racial Prejudice

NUMBERS 12 God does not approve of speaking against anyone based on race (v.1-2). For what reason did they speak against the leader of their people? What damage did we see this week resulting from racial prejudice? God clearly punished those who racially rejected authority (v.4-10a). Do you think God was justified in punishing Miriam…