COLOSSIANS 1:3-8 We give thanks for the faith that grows from hope (1:3-5a). What is the event that defines hope and produces faith? (Titus 2:13) What can we do so that our hope will better produce true faith? We give thanks for the love that grows from hope (1:3-5a). How can our ‘desired expectation’ lead…
ZECHARIAH 14 The primary context of these promises involves the church (9:9). What can we learn from these prophecies (9:9; 11:12-13; 12:10; 13:6, 7)? How do these specific prophecies affect your faith? From the Mt. of Olives He will make a way for His people (14:4-5). How did the One who stood on the Mt.…
JONAH 1-4 Jonah fled to Tarshish because he was angry about God’s grace (4:1-4) What did Jonah’s anger have to do with his running from God? What is wrong with a heart that is so angry with God’s grace that it runs from Him? What is wrong with our hearts when we run from God’s…
MARK 4:35-41 Jesus had a relationship with His disciples that allowed Him to sleep (v. 35-36). In what ways do trusting relationships make it easier for us to have peace? Do you have the kind of close friendships that allow you to be at peace? A furious storm with huge waves was not able to…
JOHN 12:37-46 As prophesied, many Jews chose not to believe in Jesus (v.37-40). How does ‘would not believe’ differ from ‘could not believe?’ What factors would lead to the choice of not believing in Christ? The prophets clearly declared a rejected Messiah (v.38; Isaiah 53:1). How does the context of Isaiah clearly declare Jesus as…
Enjoy this lesson on the power of “Connection” presented by deacon Brenton Beckley.
PSALM 37:3-4 Instead of fretting, we are to trust in the LORD and do good (v.3). What is it that makes us fret about the wicked? What is wrong with trusting in the LORD without doing good? What kinds of ‘good’ are you doing? We are to dwell in the land and feed on faithfulness…
Listen to Van Sprague’s discussion on God’s unchanging message for us…