"emotional" Tagged Sermons

God’s Ability to Persuade

II SAMUEL 12:1-14 The LORD sent Nathan to persuade David (v.1). How does it help to have a relationship with someone you seek to persuade? What will help us to see ourselves as chosen by God to persuade others? Telling a story that relates well is a great way to persuade (v.1-4). How much persuasive…

A Contagious Faith

II TIMOTHY 1:4-5; 3:14-15 Timothy was infected with the contagious faith of his family (1:5). How can grandmothers and mothers pass on their faith? How well are we infecting others with our faith? The faith Timothy learned was an emotional faith (1:4). Why is it important that our faith is also emotional (Galatians 5:6)? What…