What are your credentials? Are you “qualified” as a Christian? Paul, as an apostle of Jesus Christ (and considered quite “qualified”), said (1 Cor. 9:16b), “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” In vs. 22, “…to all I have become all things so that by all means I might save some.” You’re…
COLOSSIANS 1:24-29 The apostle Paul discovers and shares his role in Christ (Colossians 1:24-26). How does our culture strive for self-discovery? How does Paul realize and then live in the only real way that discovers self? The mystery revealed to all believers now supplies the hope of glory (v.27). How does living for Jesus discover…
NUMBERS 12 God does not approve of speaking against anyone based on race (v.1-2). For what reason did they speak against the leader of their people? What damage did we see this week resulting from racial prejudice? God clearly punished those who racially rejected authority (v.4-10a). Do you think God was justified in punishing Miriam…
I CORINTHIANS 6:12-20 Because the body is for the Lord, we should choose no other master (v.12-13). How is Paul using their own words to teach them? What will protect you from being mastered? Because we will be raised from death, we should be morally pure (v.14). How should the coming resurrection motivate us toward…
Ephesians 1 The only way to get bread is to go where it is (Genesis 41:54, 57). Why couldn’t the grain be delivered to other places? What is the parallel for salvation? (II Timothy 2:10). All spiritual blessings are found in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-3). How is salvation more than just being saved? What is the…
ACTS 26:24-29 Non-Christians do not understand our joy in the message (v.24). What message had Paul been sharing? (v.2-23) What is it about the behavior of a Christian that bewilders others? What devotion and delight in your life is puzzling to others? The message in which we delight is both true and serious (v.25). Why…