JOHN 15:1-8 God cleans His vine so that it will bear more fruit (v.1-3). What is the significance of using the same word for ‘cleaning’ and for ‘pruning?’ When He cleans the branches, what is the vine-keeper’s purpose? The purpose and survival of every branch has to do with abiding in Jesus (v.4). How does…
ISAIAH 42:1-4; 44:1-5 The servant of the LORD was carefully described as the Christ in Isaiah 42:1-4. How do we know that the Messiah is singular? From this passage, what can we know of the character and purpose of Christ? The servant of the LORD was described as the people of Israel in Isaiah 44:1-5.…
Enjoy this lesson on the power of “Connection” presented by deacon Brenton Beckley.
PSALM 37:3-4 Instead of fretting, we are to trust in the LORD and do good (v.3). What is it that makes us fret about the wicked? What is wrong with trusting in the LORD without doing good? What kinds of ‘good’ are you doing? We are to dwell in the land and feed on faithfulness…
MATTHEW 21:1-11 The disciples were devoted enough to go and get the colt (v.1-5). How would it feel to be going to take someone else’s colt? What kinds of uncomfortable things does God call you to do? The owners of the colt were devoted enough to give it (v.3). Why would the owners of the…
II EPHESIANS (Revelation 2) The church in Ephesus was known for their faith and love (Ephesians 1:15-16). What can we know about the faith and love in Ephesus (Acts 19:8-10, 18-20)? What will help us to have that level of faith and love? In II Ephesians they were praised for their faith and diligence (v.1-3).…
ACTS 4:8-20 We need to understand that everything good was done by Jesus (v.8-10). How is all healing accomplished? What will help you get to the point that you know this for sure? We need to understand that salvation is only found in Jesus (v.11-12). What reasons did Peter have for saying this? What reasons…
HEBREWS 2:1-4 When we don’t pay attention it is easy to drift (v.1). What happens in our marriages when we don’t give our attention? What happens to our example when we don’t pay attention? What happens to our walk with God when we don’t pay attention? They had good reason to pay close attention to…
JOHN 6:66-69 Sometimes, the hard teachings of Jesus thinned the crowd (John 6:66-69). What does it say about us when we allow hard sayings to turn us away? How can we develop a heart that realizes that He alone has the words of life? The required level of commitment thinned the crowd (Mark 10:17-22). What…