Keith Simmons offers a lesson on understanding, and exemplifying, humbleness and humility.
Elder Bryan McKee presents a lesson on preparing for the Christian walk, both practically and spiritually.
Deacon Brenton Beckley presents a lesson on figuring out what we want in life, as well as what we need.
JOHN 12:37-46 As prophesied, many Jews chose not to believe in Jesus (v.37-40). How does ‘would not believe’ differ from ‘could not believe?’ What factors would lead to the choice of not believing in Christ? The prophets clearly declared a rejected Messiah (v.38; Isaiah 53:1). How does the context of Isaiah clearly declare Jesus as…
ROMANS 2:1-4 We all have good reason to avoid condemning others (v.1). Why are we without excuse when we choose to judge others? How are we condemning ourselves when we judge others? What can we do to help us avoid passing judgment? God’s judgment is directed at those who judge others (v.2-3). What should we…
JOHN 15:1-8 God cleans His vine so that it will bear more fruit (v.1-3). What is the significance of using the same word for ‘cleaning’ and for ‘pruning?’ When He cleans the branches, what is the vine-keeper’s purpose? The purpose and survival of every branch has to do with abiding in Jesus (v.4). How does…
Enjoy this lesson on the power of “Connection” presented by deacon Brenton Beckley.
Elder Bob Kline discusses the stories of Naaman from Second Kings (5:1-19) and Hezekiah from Second Chronicles (30:1-22), in an effort to determine the nature with which God desires his people to worship, during a study entitled, “Grace in Worship.”
PSALM 90:12 Moses was trained 120 years to teach us how to number our days (v.1-6). What lessons do we need to learn from the seasons of Moses’ life? How can our understanding of Moses’ days help us better number ours? To number our days we need proper perspective (v.7-11). What spiritual perspective will help…
LUKE 15:11-32 Jesus wanted the sinners to know that the Father loved them (v.11-20). What lessons could Jesus’ dinner guests gain from these parables? Why didn’t someone go looking for the brother like they did for the sheep and coin? How does the Father’s love reconcile the returning son with the whole community? Jesus wanted…