MARK 2:13-22 Levi/Matthew was transformed by a call to follow Jesus (v.13-14). What would motivate a successful man to leave his profession to follow Jesus? What will lead us to leave anything that hinders us from following Jesus? Transformed Levi/Matthew wanted all of his friends to meet Jesus (v.15). When he was leaving his job,…
ZECHARIAH 14 The primary context of these promises involves the church (9:9). What can we learn from these prophecies (9:9; 11:12-13; 12:10; 13:6, 7)? How do these specific prophecies affect your faith? From the Mt. of Olives He will make a way for His people (14:4-5). How did the One who stood on the Mt.…
EZEKIEL 18 God purposely taught that we do not inherit sin (v.1-4). Why was it important in Ezekiel’s day for them to know this? Why is it so important in our day for us to know this? (Psalm 51:5; 71:6) A righteous man will surely live (v.5-9). Why aren’t the righteous punished for the sins…
II KINGS 23:1-25 When you discover the word of God it needs to tear at your heart (22:8-13). Why does a renewal of the covenant need to begin with finding the word of God? How are you letting God’s word convict your heart? To renew our covenant we must first read God’s word to the…
Enjoy this guest lesson from member Keith Simmons on “Service” and what it means to be a true servant.
ISAIAH 29:13-24 When people only honor God outwardly, they need to be awed (v.13-14). What is incomplete about honoring God only with our lips? When have you allowed God to ‘astound you with wonder upon wonder?’ Those who think they can sin secretly are rejecting the creator (v.15-16). What do our attempts to hide our…
Enjoy this guest lesson from missionary Charles Hill on the evangelism efforts in Zambia, Africa.
I CORINTHIANS 13 Love for God is incomplete without displaying it by blessing others (v.1). Why is genuine love more persuasive than impressive speech? How can we make sure that our words are more than an obnoxious noise? Spiritual maturity and insight is incomplete without practicing love (v.2). What happens to Christianity when we just…
JOB 19:25-27 In Joshua and soon in Ruth we read about a ‘kinsman-redeemer’ (Ruth 2:20). How did a kinsman redeemer bless those who were in need? What protection was possible because of a kinsman-redeemer? Job, in the midst of trials trusted in his redeemer (Job 19:25-27). In the face of such terrible trials, how could…
LEVITICUS 16 The high priest had to be holy to offer a sacrifice for the people (v.11-14). Why would the high priest need to offer a sacrifice for His sins? How is our sacrifice superior to theirs? (II Corinthians 5:21) The forgiveness of sins requires a blood sacrifice (v.15-19). What is the logic behind a…